Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5 > Parent Centre > Surf for More Math > Chapter 3 - Lesson 4

Surf For More Math


Lesson 5: Adding Decimals by Regrouping

Use these interactive activities to encourage your child to have fun on the Web while learning about adding and subtracting decimals.

Solve problems by adding decimals.

Builds Upon
Student Book pages 94–97


Instructions for Use

Show Me the Money allows your child to add decimals by lining them up in columns.

Follow the instructions to add money amounts.


Math at the Mall allows your child to add and subtract decimals to purchase items at the mall.

Use the arrow keys to move your character around the mall. To get the various places in mall, please move your character to the very end of the pathway. At every location you will have to use your adding and subtracting skills to complete


Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals allows your child to solve various types of questions involving adding and subtracting whole numbers and decimals.

Play this game like jeopardy. Select a category and point value and then answer the question.


Math Advantage is a quiz of 10 questions involving adding and subtracting decimals.

Solve each problem using whatever strategies you want and select the correct answer from the options shown. Click “Submit answers” to check how many questions you answered correctly.

