Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5 > Parent Centre > Surf for More Math > Chapter 4 - Lesson 2

Surf For More Math


Lesson 2: Using First-Hand Data

Use these interactive activities to encourage your child to have fun on the Web while learning about data relationships.

Create and answer questions using first-hand data.

Builds Upon
Student Book pages 122–125


Instructions for Use

Interpreting Data allows your child to collect data, create a frequency table, and then use the data to create a bar graph and a pictograph.

Survey a small group of children by clicking on each of them to create a tally chart. Then click “Done.”

Follow the instructions to turn your data into a bar graph. Then click “Done.”

Follow the instruction to turn your data into a pictogram. Then click “Done.”


Data Picking allows your child to collect data, create a frequency table, and then choose the graph that represents the data collected.

Choose a level and click “Start.”

Survey a small group of students by clicking on each of them, using the answers received, create a tally chart. Include any zeros and the total number of students at the bottom. Click “Go.” Then select the graph that represents the data you collected.

