Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5 > Student Centre > Surf for More Math > Chapter 6 - Lesson 2

Surf For More Math


Lesson 2: Special Products

Use special strategies to multiply by 8 and 9.


Instructions for Use

Nine Pattern

To use Nine Pattern, read the text on the first page and then click the arrow button. On the next page you are asked to look for patterns in the x9 facts. Click on the patterns button at least four times to read about each pattern. Click the forward arrow to advance to the next page where you will answer multiplication questions and their corresponding divisions. If your answer is incorrect the box will stay empty. On the next page there are some more challenging multiplication and division questions. The following page shows a multiplication wheel. Click on “Check Me” after all answers have been entered into the wheel.


Number Cop 

To use Number Cop, select multiples of a number and click on “Start”. Use the left and right arrow keys to move the police car to intercept only multiples of the number you selected and to avoid those that are not multiples of your selected number.


Sum Sense (Multiplication)

To use Sum Sense (Multiplication), read the instructions and select the number of questions you want to answer by clicking the up or down arrow. Select the time limit using the same method. Click the “Start” button to begin. You will be given three or four cards which you must arrange to form a multiplication sentence. Click the “Next” button when you think you have the correct equation. If your answer is incorrect, you can rearrange the cards until they are placed correctly.

