Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5 > Student Centre > Surf for More Math > Chapter 6 - Lesson 8

Surf For More Math


Lesson 8: Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers

Multiply two-digit numbers using your choice of strategies.

Instructions for Use

Speed Grid: Multiplication 

To use Speed Grid: Multiplication, read the instructions and select the number of questions you want to answer by clicking the up or down arrow. Select the time limit using the same method. Click the “Start” button to begin. Answer each question set by clicking on two numbers that complete the sentence and clicking “Next”. Correctly answer each question to move on to the next one. Aim to answer all questions before time runs out.


Arithmetic Four

To use Arithmetic Four, get into groups of two. Select a time limit per question from a drop-down list. Select difficulty level 1 or 2. Choose the Whole Number Multiplication to practise two-digit multiplication. To start playing, click on “Start Game”. This game is played like Connect Four, where each player attempts to get four of his or her coloured pieces in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. One player will use red pieces while the other will play with black pieces. Click “Ready” to begin the game. Answer the question in the white box before time runs out. Click “Answer” to check your answer. Answering a question correctly allows you to place your piece in a column in an attempt to get four in a row.

