Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5> Student Centre > Web Quests > Chapter 10

Surf For More Math

Chapter 10: Probability

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!


There are many different ways you can find out what is going on in the world. Now, many people use the Internet to learn about the news of the day.



In a group, you will be making a probability line with impossible at one end and certain at the other. Using a search engine, find several websites that offer news that one or two of you think have the most interesting articles. Find information in two different articles that you can put on your group's probability line.



  1. With your group, create a probability line. Label one end impossible and label the other end certain.

  2. Now search for news articles. Use a search engine which will help you find news stories on the Internet. You may want to try one or more of these ones:
    Yahoo Kids
    Google Kids
    Ask Kids
    Kids Net

  3. Type in search words that you think will help you find articles containing pieces of information that have to do with probability.

  4. Read some articles that you find interesting. Ask yourself, do they have information in them that I could put on my probability line? Remember, you don't want all the group's pieces of information all squished onto one part of your probability line. Try to find 2 pieces of information from 2 different articles that you can place on the probability line at different points.

  5. Copy your two statements onto separate pieces of paper.

  6. Place your statements on your probability line and explain your choices.

  7. In your group, discuss the information on the probability line. Does everyone agree on where the information is placed? Could any information reasonably be placed somewhere else on the probability line?




Yahoo Kids
Google Kids

Ask Kids

Kids Net


pencil and paper



Criteria Work meets standard of excellence Work meets standard of proficiency Work meets acceptable standard Work does not yet meet acceptable standard
Problem-Solving •demonstrates an in-depth understanding of probability
•  carefully and thoughtfully chooses statements for the probability line
•  shows flexibility and insight by trying and adapting one or more strategies to place statements appropriately on the probability line
•demonstrates a grade-appropriate understanding of probability
•  makes a suitable choice of statements for the probability line
•  uses an appropriate strategy to place statements appropriately on the probability line
•demonstrates a growing but still incomplete understanding of probability
•  makes adequate choices of statements for the probability line
•  uses a strategy and places some statements appropriately on the probability line
•demonstrates an inaccurate or superficial understanding of probability
• makes inappropriate choices of statements for the probability line
• uses a strategy and attempts to place statements on the probability line
Communication •  uses probability words thoughtfully to describe likelihood of statements
•  offers an in-depth explanation of placement of statements on the probability line
•  uses probability words to describe likelihood of statements
•  explains placement of statements on the probability line.
•  uses some probability words to describe likelihood of statements
•  has some difficulty explaining placement of statements on the probability line
• struggles to use probability words to describe likelihood of statements
• unable to explain placement of statements on the probability line

