Criteria |
Work meets standard of excellence |
Work meets standard of proficiency |
Work meets acceptable standard |
Work does not yet meet acceptable standard |
Problem-Solving |
•demonstrates an in-depth understanding of probability
• carefully and thoughtfully chooses statements for the probability line
• shows flexibility and insight by trying and adapting one or more strategies to place statements appropriately on the probability line |
•demonstrates a grade-appropriate understanding of probability
• makes a suitable choice of statements for the probability line
• uses an appropriate strategy to place statements appropriately on the probability line |
•demonstrates a growing but still incomplete understanding of probability
• makes adequate choices of statements for the probability line
• uses a strategy and places some statements appropriately on the probability line |
•demonstrates an inaccurate or superficial understanding of probability
• makes inappropriate choices of statements for the probability line
• uses a strategy and attempts to place statements on the probability line |
Communication |
• uses probability words thoughtfully to describe likelihood of statements
• offers an in-depth explanation of placement of statements on the probability line |
• uses probability words to describe likelihood of statements
• explains placement of statements on the probability line. |
• uses some probability words to describe likelihood of statements
• has some difficulty explaining placement of statements on the probability line |
• struggles to use probability words to describe likelihood of statements
• unable to explain placement of statements on the probability line |