Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5 > Student Centre > Web Quests > Chapter 2

Surf For More Math

Chapter 2: Numeration

Guess the Record!


If you want to know the size of the biggest chewing-gum bubble ever blown or the age of the oldest person in the world, there is only one place to go-the Guinness World Records Web site!   



Using the Guiness World Records website, pick two world records that you find interesting. The records can't just be any records—they must meet the math conditions described below. Make up four math clues for each record. A classmate will be using your clues to guess the numbers in your records, so make the clues good!



  1. Search the Guiness World Records website. Choose two records that interest you. Your records must meet these math conditions:
    •  one record must include a number higher than 100 000
    •  one record must be a decimal tenth or a decimal hundredth

    Don't forget that someone else will be trying to guess the numbers in your records so don't ruin the fun. Keep your records to yourself.

  2. For each of your records, write a question that will let your partner know what the record is about. For example, "What is the speed of the fastest train in kilometres per hour?"

  3. Create four clues for each record/number you chose. Your clues must involve the following:
    •  rounding numbers
    •  describing the place value of digits in a number
    •  comparing numbers
    •  expanded form

  4. Exchange questions and clues with a partner. Using your partner's clues, figure out the records/numbers they chose. Write your answers in standard form and words.

  5. Check with your partner to find out whether you and your partner guessed both the records correctly.

  6. Discuss how you could improve your clues. Make any necessary changes to your clues.



Guiness World Records


pencil and paper



Criteria Work meets standard of excellence Work meets standard of proficiency Work meets acceptable standard Work does not yet meet acceptable standard
Reasoning: Analyze clues to determine numbers Comprehensively analyzes situations and makes correct, insightful determinations. Completely analyzes situations and makes correct determinations. Superficially analyzes situations and makes some correct determinations. Is unable to analyze situations and make correct determinations.
Communication: Write appropriate clues Provide comprehensive information in clues, using sophisticated mathematical language. Provides complete information in clues, using appropriate mathematical language. Provides some useful but incomplete information in clues, using some mathematical language. Provides insufficient information in clues; mathematical language is lacking.

