Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5> Student Centre > Web Quests > Chapter 4

Surf For More Math

Chapter 4: Data Relationships

TV Data


Do you like watching TV? How many hours a week do you think you spend in front of the TV? Do you think you watch more or less TV than most kids your age? Do you think kids watch more or less TV than teenagers and grown-ups? Let's find out!



The Statistics Canada website states the average number of hours Canadians spend watching TV per week. You will create a double bar graph to display this data.



  1. Go to Statistics Canada: Television Viewing and look at the table provided.
  1. By conducting surveys, people at Statistics Canada determined the average number of hours Canadians spend watching TV per week and displayed that data in this table. What specific information does this table show you?
  1. Create a double-bar graph to display the date for one of the following options:
  • the hours of TV that males and females watch per week in your province
  • the hours of TV that males and females watch per week in Canada
  • the hours of TV that people in two different age groups watch per week, either in Canada or in your province
  1. Explain why a double bar graph is the best way to display the results for two different groups (such as males and females, or different age groups).
  2. What scale did you use for your graph? Explain why.
  3. What information can someone learn by looking at your graph?




Statistics Canada: Television Viewing

grid paper
coloured pencils



Criteria Work meets standard of excellence Work meets standard of proficiency Work meets acceptable standard Work does not yet meet acceptable standard
Connects mathematical concepts to real-world phenomena
Makes insightful connections between real-world contexts and mathematical ideas. Makes meaningful connections between real-world contexts and mathematical ideas. Makes simple connections between real-world contexts and mathematical ideas. Makes minimal or weak connections between real-world contexts and mathematical ideas.

Organizes and displays results

Organizes and displays results in effective and clear ways that enhance interpretation.

Organizes and displays results in appropriate and reasonably clear ways that assist interpretation.


Organizes and displays results in somewhat appropriate and partially clear ways that make inferring necessary by the reader. Organizes and displays results in haphazard and/or unclear ways that impede interpretation.

Explains mathematical concepts and/or procedures

Provides a precise and insightful explanation of mathematical concepts and/or procedures.

Provides a clear and logical explanation of mathematical concepts and/or procedures.

Provides a partially clear explanation of mathematical concepts and/or procedures. Provides a vague and/or inaccurate explanation of mathematical concepts and/or procedures.

