Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5> Student Centre > Web Quests > Chapter 5

Surf For More Math

Chapter 5: Motion Geometry

Crazy Quilt Game


In Chapter 5 you have had lots of practice working with quilt patterns. How well can you describe them? Would you be able to recognize a quilt pattern that someone else described using math language? Let's find out.



Write a description of a quilt block using math language to describe the transformations. Your description must be detailed enough that your partner can figure out which quilt block you described.



  1. Choose three quilt blocks that you think you could describe from one of these websites:
    Quilt Bus
    Word Wide Quilting Page
  2. Print a copy of your three quilt blocks.
  3. Choose one of the quilt blocks and describe it in detail. Use math language. Make sure your description is clear and easy to follow.
  4. Exchange your description and the print-outs of all three quilt blocks with a partner.
  5. Using your partner's description, find the matching quilt block.
  6. Find out if you found the correct quilt block. Offer suggestions that will help your partner make her/his description clearer and easier to follow.
  7. Find out if your partner found your correct quilt block. Ask your partner if your description was easy to follow and how could you improve your description.
  8. Make improvements to your description and hand it in.



Quilt Bus
Word Wide Quilting Page






Criteria Work meets standard of excellence Work meets standard of proficiency Work meets acceptable standard Work does not yet meet acceptable standard
Explains mathematical concepts and/or procedures
Provides a precise and insightful description of design and transformations, using mathematical language. Provides a clear and logical description of design and transformations, using mathematical language.

Provides a partially clear description of design and transformations, using mathematical language.

Provides a vague and/or inaccurate description of design and transformations, using mathematical language.

