Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5> Student Centre > Web Quests > Chapter 8

Surf For More Math

Chapter 8: Measurement

Flying Dogs


Dogs are allowed on airplanes, but only in crates. If you want to take your dog with you on a trip, you have to find the right crate.



You must choose an appropriate sized crate so that your dog can go on a plane.



You will sharpen your skills as an architect by practising on the following websites. You boss does not want you practising on her house. She wants you to be a fully trained architect first!

  1. Go to the Dog Breed Size Chart. Decide the breed of dog you are going to take on your trip.

  2. Record the size of your dog.

  3. A crate for a dog should be comfortable. It must be large enough that the dog can stand and turn around easily. How large should a crate for your dog be? Record the height, length, and width of crate you need.
  4. Estimate whether the volume of the crate will be greater than or less than 1 m3? Explain.

  5. Calculate the area and perimeter of the floor of the crate using the length and width from your floor plan.




Dog Breed Size Chart



grid paper



Criteria Work meets standard of excellence Work meets standard of proficiency Work meets acceptable standard Work does not yet meet acceptable standard
Connects mathematical concepts to real-world phenomena
Makes insightful connections between real-world contexts and mathematical ideas. Makes meaningful connections between real-world contexts and mathematical ideas. Makes simple connections between real-world contexts and mathematical ideas. Makes minimal or weak connections between real-world contexts and mathematical ideas.
Organizes and displays results
Organizes and displays results in effective and clear ways that enhance interpretation. Organizes and displays results in appropriate and reasonably clear ways that assist interpretation. Organizes and displays results in somewhat appropriate and partially clear ways that make inferring necessary by the reader. Organizes and displays results in haphazard and/or unclear ways that impede interpretation.
Explains mathematical concepts and/or procedures
Provides a precise and insightful explanation of mathematical concepts and/or procedures. Provides a clear and logical explanation of mathematical concepts and/or procedures.
Provides a partially clear explanation of mathematical concepts and/or procedures.
Provides a vague and/or inaccurate explanation of mathematical concepts and/or procedures.
Mental Mathematics and Estimation:
Estimates possible solution
Chooses an efficient and effective strategy to estimate a solution. Chooses a workable and reasonable strategy to estimate a solution. Chooses a familiar strategy to estimate a solution. Chooses a random or inappropriate strategy to estimate a solution.


