Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Math Focus > Grade 5 > Teacher Centre > Surf for More Math > Chapter 7 - Lesson 7

Surf for More Math


Lesson 7: Using Equivalent Decimals

Use these interactive activities to encourage students to have fun on the Web while learning about fractions. Students can try these activities on their own or in pairs.

Compare and order fractions and decimals using equivalents.

Builds Upon
Student Book pages 244–245


Instructions for Use

Fraction and Decimal Match allows students to determine the decimal equivalent of a fraction and vice versa.

To use Fraction and Decimal Match, click on “Fraction & Decimal Match” and then “Begin Game”. Click “Maybe Later” when the registration screen comes up. Click on “Start” to begin playing. Click on the on the fish that holds the fraction equivalent to the decimal in the banner shown in the sky. If the banner holds a fraction, click on the fish with the equivalent decimal. Catch as many fish as you can in 60 seconds.

Fraction Decimal Conversion allows students to practise identifying decimal and fraction equivalents.

To use Fraction Decimal Conversion, match up a fraction in the yellow square with its decimal equivalent in the green square by clicking on each one. If you match the squares correctly, they will be replaced with a picture.

