Surf for More MathLesson 3 - Locating Lines of SymmetryUse these interactive activities to encourage your child to have fun on the Web while learning about locating lines of symmetry.
GoalsIdentify lines of symmetry. Use lines of symmetry to show halves.
Instructions for UseLines of Symmetry lets your child identify lines of symmetry. To use Lines of Symmetry, drag the shapes that have a line of symmetry into the container on the left. Drag the shapes that do not have a line of symmetry to the container on the right.
Symmetry lets your child use lines of symmetry to show halves. To use Symmetry, continue to click on the white button to observe the symmetrical shapes.
Lines of Symmetry in the Alphabet lets your child use lines of symmetry to show halves. To use Lines of Symmetry in the Alphabet, read through the Web page then click the "More" button. Read through the next Web page and then click the "More" button again. Drag the appropriate lines to show the symmetry in each letter. Type the number of lines of symmetry in the text box and then click the "Check" button. Click the "More" button to move to the next letter.