Surf for More MathLesson 1 - Adding Two-Digit NumbersUse these interactive activities to encourage your child to have fun on the Web while learning about adding two-digit numbers.
GoalExplain a variety of strategies for adding 2-digit numbers.
Instructions for Use
Adding Two-Digit Numbers lets your child practice adding 2-digit numbers. To use Adding Two-Digit Numbers, click the "Start Addition" button. Input the answer in the text box and click the "check" button to see if the answer is correct.
Interactive Calculator allows your child to add 2-digit numbers and display them on a 100 chart. To use Interactive Calculator, start by clicking a 2-digit number on the interactive calculator. This number will appear in the calculator window. Click the "+" button on the calculator, and then click a different 2-digit number. Press the "=" button on the calculator to find the sum of the 2 numbers.